Safe Skin a division of Safe Health PC
5135 S Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 48991
Please note our new location and new phone number. We are no longer affiliated with Lansing Podiatry or Messenger Dermatology.

Dr. Saif Fatteh, MD
I have moved but I’m still practicing and I take all the same insurances as it was before. I still have a Mount Pleasant office. If you want to schedule up there just.
Call (517) 220-7546
Safe Skin a division of Safe Health PC
Dr. Saif Fatteh is very passionate about Dermatology and is committed to providing services of the highest professional caliber. Dr. Saif’s approach is caring, non-judgmental and highly personalized and his treatment procedure are evidence-based and scientifically verified.
Having the right dermatologist is significant especially when you have a chronic skin condition that will require ongoing treatment. I want you to feel satisfied that we’re providing you with the best possible care.
My approach is to treat both needs equally. Your skin, looks, and health are indivisible, the best support should be available for all of them.
I specialize in dermatology (both children and adults) and am always researching better methods and less painful methods to cure various skin conditions such as ECZEMA..HIVES..MINOR SKIN CANCERS..MAJOR SKIN CANCERS..ROSACEA..MELANOMA..PSORIASIS..WRINKLES and much more like….
- Acne
- Cellulitis/Skin Infection
- Chicken Pox
- Diabetes-Related Skin
- Dermatitis
- Dry Skin
- Moles
- Psoriasis
- Rashes
- Skin Cancer
- Skin of Color
- Skin Discoloration
- Skin Tags
- Vitiligo
- Warts
- Scabies
- Eczema
- Sunburn

Better Health Care is Our Mission
Same physician, same happy face, just a new location in Lansing. We have streamlined the process so there are no more hiccups and you can have your skin. 24/7 service.
5135 S Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 4891